A sweet bouquet of blush pink roses, red Holland tulips & pink eustomas. Pink flowers have several meanings, including representing happiness, gentleness and grace.
Estimated height: 55cm.
Important Note Before Ordering:
We only accept orders made AT LEAST 3 DAYS in advance of the required date.
Flowers are seasonal & each bouquet is handcrafted uniquely, so please take note that the bouquets received will not be identical to our listings. Please kindly provide allowance for replacements of certain flowers (filler flowers) or shades should they not be available at the moment.
Pink Devotion
Delivery/ Self-collection Info
Mon – Sun. 10 A.M. to 8 P.M at BLK 303 Serangoon Ave 2 Void Deck
Delivery Time Slots, Mon - Sat (Chargeable at $12):
- 9.00am – 2.00pm
- 1.00pm – 6.00pm
- 5.00pm – 10.00pm